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Ex10si0n Yan
An Introduction to Monotonic Stack
Buffer Overflow Attack from the Ground-up III: Canary
Binary Indexed Tree: A Data Structure that Can Enhance Query Performance in Arrays
Buffer Overflow Attack from the Ground-up II: Gadget and Shell Code Injection
Buffer Overflow Attack from the Ground-up I: Simple Overflow
An Introduction to SHA256 Hash Extension Attack
An Introduction to Kafka and Samza for Stream Data Processing
An Introduction of NestJS, a Node.js web/app server framework.
Prefix Sum with HashMap: Time Complexity Optimization
Disjoint Set: City Connection Problem
Neural Networks Series II: Forming Vision - How a Convolutional Neural Network Learns
Understanding Naïve Bayes Algorithm: Play with Probabilities
Gradient Attack: A Brief Explanation on Adversarial Attack
Implementing JPEG Image Compression Algorithm using MATLAB
RSA Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems
Front-end Walkthrough: Web Frameworks, JAMStacks and Native Apps
Neural Networks Series I: Loss Optimization - Implementing Neural Networks from Scratch
Eight Queens Problem: Classical Puzzles
Dispatching Oracle: Three Examples in solving Synchronization